Parade Rules & Regulations


  • Parade lineup is at 10:30 am on Sunday, June 8, 2025

  • South Nine Mound Road is to be used as the staging area. No staging on Paoli Street is allowed.

  • Parade begins at 12:00 pm


  • No water. For insurance and safety reasons, no water is allowed in the parade except in a cup or bottle. (we don’t want you dehydrated!) No water guns, cannons, water balloons, hoses or similar devices allowed.

  • No throwing objects. For insurance and safety reasons, there is to be no throwing of candy, toys, leaflets, handouts or other similar items. Items including candy may be handed out along the parade route, but not tossed or thrown.

  • No jumping on and off floats or vehicles while vehicle is in motion. For insurance and safety reasons, no jumping on and off floats or vehicles during the parade is allowed.

  • Play Nice! This parade is a celebration of Hometown Days and Verona’s community pride and we welcome all politicians, religious organizations, and businesses that are proud to be part of Verona. Please refrain from hanging signs or handing out material that might be viewed as negative or offensive. Keep it light and fun! If you have a concern about your material, please consult with the Verona Area Chamber of Commerce prior to the event. Entries may be excluded from this parade at the discretion of the parade producer, Verona Area Chamber of Commerce.

  • Don’t Hog the Road. There is a limit of two vehicle units per business/organization unless otherwise approved.

  • Animal Acts. We welcome the inclusion of our friends in fur. Entries with animals are expected to provide a clean-up crew and PLEASE let the event organizers know ahead of time if you plan to include animals so we can be sure to accommodate their needs.

  • Dress it Up! Trucks, boats, ATVs etc. should include additional decorations or appeal than the typical vehicle wrap.

  • Violation of the parade rules may result in the immediate removal from the parade and/or exclusion from next year’s parade. That said, we have never been forced to exclude anyone and we’d like to keep that record in tact.

  • Weather cancellation. Unfortunately, weather plays a huge role in the success of the parade. In order to produce a quality parade, many expenses are obligated “rain or shine”. For this reason, if the parade is cancelled due to weather, we will not be able to refund the registration fees.

  • Returning companies will still be required to pay the full registration fee again the following year.

Thank you for choosing to be part of the Verona Hometown Days Parade!

Please contact Amy Abbott at